Observatory of Green Businesses

Nutripeople was born with the idea of promoting the concept of Zero Waste, adding value with the recovery of surplus food, generating through research super foods that contribute to alleviate malnutrition and famine in the world. We are managers, knowledgeable about the agri-food sector and the food channel.
An optimal combination of fruit surplus and vegetable protein, destined to bring Spain-grown fruit to the rest of the world through projects developed by the UN, its agencies (FAO, UNICEF, UNHCR, etc.) and other humanitarian aid organizations. We create an optimal product, suitable for highly populated urban settlements and areas hit by natural disasters, refugee camps, food banks…
A foodstuff that fights hunger and helps end world malnutrition, preventing bacteriological diseases, putting value on fruit overproduction which would otherwise go to waste.
Μέγεθος επιχείρησης
7 employees
€ 30,000 annual turnover.
Industrial Engineers.
National Technology Center of Canned Food.
Instituto de Fomento - Development Agency contributed 45% of the investment.
Ευκαιρίες και σχέδια για το μέλλον
Within 10 years we would like to have outsourced and be able to take technological production plants to other countries to give a global reach to the objective of our company.
Πα γίδες και προκλήσεις
1. How did the project come to life?
One partner had knowledge of the agri-food sector and another partner had knowledge of United Nations data on food waste and global hunger. The company grew out of a social concern, the desire to change the world and do its part to avoid the waste of food and contribute to feeding people and fighting world hunger.
2. If you found the company again, what would you do exactly and what would you do differently?
We would not do anything different. In any case, we would have liked to have more money to invest in research and be able to help more people.
3. Are there any difficulties regarding the foundation?
An obstacle new entrepreneurs can face is the lack of information from the population. There is still a lack of culture of surplus food. For this reason, we have to talk about fruit recovery, so that it is more socially accepted.
4. What were the biggest challenges in regard of the foundation?
The main challenge was to stay within our principles. It is not easy to reach the organizations that manage poverty. There is still a lack of culture in society regarding this issue.
5. Did you have positive or negative incidences which motivated you?
Everything was positive. The fact of being able to contribute to feeding the most needy and stay true to our principles.
Contact information
C/ Pasos de Santiago, 6 bajo 30005 Murcia - España